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Tilda Swinton’s CFDA tribute to Bowie 6th June 2016


Dear Dave


The CFDA have the great good sense and elegance to tip their caps at you this year.

There’s pretty much no year out of the last forty that this would not have been a good idea. But this time around, it feels like an apt opportunity, given this stage in the proceedings, to remind us all how very much a part of us you always were and always will be.

At the request of your beautiful Missus, I’ve come to collect it for her  –  for you.

These kind people – the fanciest fashion people on the planet – are giving you their highest prize –  their Directors’ Tribute – to honor and to thank you for all the shapes you have thrown, from start to finish, through all your years, golden and otherwise, all your changes, ever moving forward, all your colors, all your magic, all your vim and vigor, all your glory, all ways and always.

You checked out early and we are still finding things you left in the drawers and looking for a forwarding address.

But you are still hanging signs in the sky, in the trees, for us and we are so grateful for every one.

We want to tell you that we miss you but how very happy we all are that you came by… And that we are getting used to resting on your stardust in your absence.

Once upon a time you gave us a freak for freaks : now and forever more, in our missing you, and this is a good thing, you have brought out the freak in everyone.

You tipped us that wink from the first: one man’s freak is another man’s free.

Difference and change are all we ever have to rely upon, and always were.

Thank you, chum, for brightening our horizon. For inspiring and exhilarating and enlightening our times. How lucky we are who turned up since you were first here. Thank you for your happiness and your eternal Bona-ness and zhoosh.

You are our hero. Forever and ever.


Everyone says hi.



Your Tilly


"Once upon a time you gave us a freak for freaks. Now and forever more, in our missing you, and this is a good thing, you have brought out the freak in everyone...One man's freak is another man's free"...Tilda Swinton: Letter to Dave

Glenn H - Portrait by Ashleigh Fitzhugh
David Bowie - Pat Pope

ME?...A youthful 50something. Rather beautiful in an ugly, angular sort of way.

HIM?...Some odd geezer with a fascination for the slightly strange.

I have intentionally omitted my entire life history. However, if you have a predilection for the soporific, and you’d like to know more about me, then email me at glenn at this domain or, alternatively, use the contact form below. If you have questions concerning the meaning of life (on Mars), why it's always 1982, or string theory, then I suggest you Google it.

Fabulous! Message received. Expect a response within the hour.


ME?...A youthful 50something. Rather beautiful in an ugly, angular sort of way.

HIM?...Some odd geezer with a fascination for the slightly strange.


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